Mirela Perczak

She has a degree in law gained at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of The University of Wrocław, partially completed during scholarship at Gent University in Belgium. She also completed postgraduate studies on public procurement and public-private partnership at The Wrocław University of Economics, as well as postgraduate studies on environmental protection law at The University of Wrocław. She is also registered as an advocate by Regional Bar in Wrocław. Since 2015 Mirela has been The Chairman of The Supervisory Board of a private limited liability company Dolnośląski Projekt Rekultywacji sp. z o.o. in Wrocław, which has reclaimed The Lower Silesian landfill sites. She has gained her professional experience in a reputable legal office in Wrocław. Between 2015 and 2020 she acted as the Director of Legal Department of The Marchall Office of The Lower Silesia Voivodship responsible for i.e. legal services, internal organisation and HR, public procurement, internal control and certification of UE (RPO) expences. Mirela practices in the fields of civil law, company law, business law, public procurement, environmental protection law, IT and intelletual property, as well as labour law. She provides services for public and private sectors representing following branches: environmental protection, IT and modern technologies, culture and art., tourism, PR and marketing and chemicals. She has advised both private entities and public sector units in huge investments, including these with complex financial assemblies with multi million foreign or EU funds. Mirela successfully conducts Individual Clients’ cases against banks regarding CHF credit contracts. She represents her Clients in front of courts, during administrative proceedings and in front of The National Appeals Chamber. Mirela is an author of articles and publications and a university lecturer of legal aspects regarding complex contracts, public procurement and public-private partnership. She communicates and provides legal services also in English.